Author: Mark Babbitt, CEO of YouTern
I understand that for several decades young adults have been pitched the same career advice… and that it can be hard for us to change the mantra.
When I recently wrote a blog entitled “Career Centers: Is Fall their Spring”, I was certain that 99% of our career center professionals and career experts “get it”. They understand college students’ sense of urgency, and are more than capable of providing effective counseling and mentorship.
However, far too many recent columns and blogs from “experts” mechanically spout advice from the 1950’s:
- Update your resume
- Write your cover letter
- Organize letters of recommendation
- Get out your best clothes
- Practice your interview skills
Really? That is “Top 5” material? With almost half of our young adults unemployed, under-employed, or in the “I give up” category…this is our best advice?