Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


My parents were traditionalists. I’m a boomer. I work with a lot of Gen-Xers. I teach a lot of millennials. We are all trying to understand each other and adapt to how we teach and learn.

Some teachers have to deal with helicopter parents more than the kids.

Since we are all, mostly, products of our environment and the cyclical events of history, we all look at the world through that lens and, unless you have the right optician, you can have a hard time seeing what’s in front of you. Plus, we all change as we get older so, in many ways, generational stereotyping is stupid.


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Tim Schigel

The U.S. innovation economy is expanding beyond the two coasts and creating new opportunity in impressive fashion.

Columbus, Ohio, has seen $250 million in venture capital deals so far in 2018, according to research by PitchBook. St. Louis has tallied more than $650 million over the last three years, and Charlotte, North Carolina, has attracted nearly $900 million over that same period.


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board room

Innovation has become a buzzword for corporations, governments and social enterprises. 

In a survey conducted at the Social Service Institute’s Board Members Network Session in October 2017, CEOs and chairs of social service organisations in Singapore cited innovation as a major area of concern. Specifically, respondents felt that more could be done to leverage technology to increase efficiency within their organisations and create new solutions.


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Leaning Tower of Pisa

Once every year, engineers measure the Leaning Tower of Pisa’s precarious tilt. Last week they announced that the tower had been self-correcting for more than a decade and had finally stopped. The surprise gain straightened the landmark by four centimeters. Although that may seem small, it is a welcome gift after centuries of worry that the building would simply topple.


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Jordan Daykin

From Baby Boomers and those that grew up at a time of dramatic social change, to Generation X and those that saw the dawn of the age of technology and then to the Millennials who were born into the age of information. A generation that has been described as lazy, narcissistic, entitled and unable to stay in one job, have also been described as the most purpose driven and potentially the most entrepreneurial of all previous generations.


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Jeff McMahon

There are four themes driving energy innovation in the developing world, according to the chief operating officer of Softbank Energy, a Delhi-based firm that develops solar energy on the global market.

Combined, these four themes put tremendous pressure on renewables innovation, Softbank COO Abhijeet Sathe said at Stanford University's Global Energy Forum.


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TReturn on Investment Initiative for Unleashing American Innovationhe Return on Investment (ROI) Initiative for Unleashing American Innovation is part of a national conversation that is designed to advance the Lab-to-Market cross agency priority (CAP) goal of the President’s Management Agenda (PMA). The ROI Initiative’s vision is to unleash American innovation into our economy. The goal is to maximize the transfer of Federal investments in science and technology into value for America in ways that will (a) meet current and future economic and national security needs in a rapidly shifting technology marketplace and enhance U.S. competitiveness globally, and (b) attract greater private sector investment to create innovative products, processes, and services, as well as new businesses and industries.

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Legendary investor and billionaire Warren Buffett has a tip for young people: Focus on learning how to write and speak clearly.

"The one easy way to become worth 50 percent more than you are now — at least — is to hone your communication skills — both written and verbal," says Buffett in a video posted on LinkedIn on Monday.

Image: David A. Grogan | CNBC Warren Buffett

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EDA’s Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIE) leads the Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS) Program that builds regional capacity by translating innovations into jobs through proof-of-concept and commercialization assistance for innovators and entrepreneurs, and through operational support for organizations that provide essential early-stage risk capital to innovators and entrepreneurs.


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While some companies — most large banks, Ford and GM, Pfizer, and virtually all tech firms — are aggressively adopting artificial intelligence, many are not. Instead they are waiting for the technology to mature and for expertise in AI to become more widely available. They are planning to be “fast followers” — a strategy that has worked with most information technologies.


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flu shot

Each year, doctors and public health officials urge virtually every American to get a flu shot. But a new poll suggests that many people don’t plan to follow that advice.

As of mid-November, 43% of American adults said they had already received a flu shot, according to a nationally representative survey of 1,200 people conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago, an independent research institution. But the majority of people who hadn’t been vaccinated already — 41% of the total sample — said they weren’t planning to get the shot at all. Fourteen percent said they were planning to get a flu shot but had not done so yet.


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Tim Schigel

The U.S. innovation economy is expanding beyond the two coasts and creating new opportunity in impressive fashion.

Columbus, Ohio, has seen $250 million in venture capital deals so far in 2018, according to research by PitchBook. St. Louis has tallied more than $650 million over the last three years, and Charlotte, North Carolina, has attracted nearly $900 million over that same period.


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If you are a procrastinator, you’re in good company. Some of the greatest minds in the world — including Leonardo da Vinci — were famous procrastinators. Journalist Andrew Santella explores the upside of putting things off in his new book, Soon: An Overdue History of Procrastination, from Leonardo and Darwin to You and Me. It’s a funny and insightful look at how we’ve become so good at getting distracted — and why it’s not always such a bad thing, unless you want to be more productive.


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ssti logo

At SSTI's 2018 Annual Conference this week, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced 40 awardees for $21 million in the latest round of the Regional Innovation Strategies program. The program which makes grants for the i6 Challenge and Seed Fund Support, has now provided $78 million to 180 projects across 46 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. 


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By redirecting resources and employees to higher-value areas, companies can ensure that organizational structure and spending align with business strategy.

Single-minded pursuit of growth and scale can produce impressive top-line revenues. However, executives can discover that, along the way, organizational issues—including siloed functions, redundant capabilities across business units, and gradual mission creep as functions take on added responsibilities—have impeded greater profitability.


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In this age of constant change, I usually find myself writing about what has changed. Yet I find that periodically it pays to reflect on what hasn’t changed in business, probably won’t change in the foreseeable future, and is still critical to our success in our professional career, as well as the success of our business. Here is my list of the basics that some people in business tend to forget:


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If there are three things I’m known for here at MIT Technology Review, it’s my love of 3D printing, my science fashion, and my nerd cred (the latter is quite a claim here at MIT, where nerd cred is universally high).

Recommended for You 250 pages of internal Facebook files were just dumped online—here are the 6 key takeaways Canada has arrested Huawei’s CFO for extradition to the US So much for that hope of reaching peak climate emissions How to check if you’re affected by the Marriott mega data breach Despite CRISPR baby controversy, Harvard University will begin gene-editing sperm So when it came to planning my wedding, the traditional route was definitely not for me. I have a mechanical engineering background and have owned a desktop 3D printer for the past three years, so the chance to combine my passion for manufacturing with a huge life milestone was too tempting to pass up. That meant infusing 3D printing into the day everywhere I could.


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New Haven has set a goal to become a “City that Codes,” by doubling the annual number of new professional level software talent trained here by 2022.

It is one of 50 cities across the country chosen to participate in a new program - the City Innovation Ecosystem Program - offered through the National League of Cities.


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