Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


If there are three things I’m known for here at MIT Technology Review, it’s my love of 3D printing, my science fashion, and my nerd cred (the latter is quite a claim here at MIT, where nerd cred is universally high).

Recommended for You 250 pages of internal Facebook files were just dumped online—here are the 6 key takeaways Canada has arrested Huawei’s CFO for extradition to the US So much for that hope of reaching peak climate emissions How to check if you’re affected by the Marriott mega data breach Despite CRISPR baby controversy, Harvard University will begin gene-editing sperm So when it came to planning my wedding, the traditional route was definitely not for me. I have a mechanical engineering background and have owned a desktop 3D printer for the past three years, so the chance to combine my passion for manufacturing with a huge life milestone was too tempting to pass up. That meant infusing 3D printing into the day everywhere I could.