By Marko Torkkeli International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) and Lappeenranta University of Technology
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Quebec seeks solutions (QSS) concept proved, second time, to be very effective on implementation of open innovation at regional/local context. Nine challenges posted were very interesting representing great variety of different business areas and thus creating space for interdisciplinary problem-solving. With people coming from different disciplines, living physically not far away, but yet haven no possibility to meet each others in facilitated environment gives a great chance for serendipity. These ‘lucky accidents’ are one of the key ingredients of successful QSS. During the event participants had a lot of opportunities to meet new people and have dialogs on emerging solutions for problems posted.
For SMEs and start-ups QSS gives unique opportunity to learn open innovation principles in practical two-day event and at the same time join into group of seekers or solvers, in best case both.
SMEs and start-ups have several challenges to cope with. They eternally suffer resources scarcity to compensate, they need to look attractive in the eye of large counterparty, and there are issues of trust and reputation to cope with for better bargaining power. Lack of experience on IP and contracting for open innovation may lead, instead of proper value capturing, to value creation only.
The future seems bright for local open innovation event like QSS. Communities and regional authorities may use the concept which has proven its impact in practice for new business and job creation.
I am convinced open innovation concept needs events like QSS. Seeks solutions is emerging and evidence is there, like ISS (Ispim Seeks Solutions)