I’ve just returned from a week in Silicon Valley. As always, I get a lot of inspiration from the way things work and happen in the Valley. It’s appropriate then, that on the day I returned to London, I read an article entitled, “European Startups Need To Get A Valley Education, And Fast” by Julia K Szopa in TechCrunch. While I agree with her article, here’s my own perspective on what works and why.
The main reason for travelling out to Silicon Valley was to attend TiECon 2012 – the annual conference of Indian entrepreneurs from around the world. Here we heard some great keynotes from prominent Indian entrepreneurs in the USA. The two that stood out for me were those by Anant Agarwal, professor of electrical engineering and computer science at MIT and director of CSAIL, computer science and artificial intelligence laboratory, with his keynote on organic computing; and Sam Pitroda, adviser to the Indian Prime Minister for public information infrastructure & innovations, who talked about ‘Igniting Innovation in India’.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Learning from Silicon Valley « Opinion