Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Director Samuel Aronson has been named 2012 Laboratory Director of the Year by the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC). The annual award recognizes federal laboratory directors who have made significant contributions to technology commercialization in their organizations.
“I am tremendously honored to be recognized by the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer,” said Aronson. “Brookhaven Lab has made great strides in increasing the impact of our research by expediting the translation of our discoveries into market applications. I feel fortunate to have played a role in that process, and in strengthening Brookhaven’s research and development partnerships with industry.”
Since becoming lab director in 2006, Aronson has significantly expanded emphasis on the development and commercialization of Lab technologies through patents, licensing, and collaborations with industrial partners, bringing in new sources of revenue and valued research and development relationships. He has played a key role in bridging the gap between basic and applied science, leading to accelerated transfer of Brookhaven technologies to the marketplace. Between 2009 and 2011, 112 inventions were disclosed, 30 patents were issued and 116 commercial and research licenses were executed.