Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Creating new ideas is the first step to innovation, but it is not enough these days.  Marketers need to generate excitement and support for their new opportunity.  Don't make the mistake of thinking "the idea will sell it self."  Just the cleverness of the concept and the revenue forecasts are not enough to sway others.  Leaders have many investment choices to create growth, so you need to position your investment opportunity properly.

That is where the power of storytelling can help.  Effective storytelling captures the hearts and minds of your target audience.  It makes your innovations stand out about the rest.  That's why many embrace it as a critical leadership tool. Storytelling is now mainstream in the business world.  At Nike, senior executives are called “corporate storytellers.” 3M banned bullet points and replaced them with writing “strategic narratives.” Procter & Gamble hired Hollywood directors to teach its executives storytelling techniques. Business schools have storytelling courses to their curriculum.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation in Practice: Innovation Storytelling