Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

A new report of job growth, conducted by Babson College Associate Professor Joel Shulman, with input from Emily Leventhal at Athena Capital Advisors, suggests that job growth over the past five years has grown fastest among “Entrepreneurial” companies. Job growth among publicly-traded US Entrepreneurial companies (market cap greater than $200M), as measured by the newly created EntrepreneurShares Mutual Fund (ticker: ENTRX), outpaced job growth among comparably-sized non-entrepreneurial, publicly traded companies in each of the past five years. Moreover, the results show that publicly-traded entrepreneurial companies grew by 0.25% even during 2008-2009, when the overall market declined by 3.25%.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Entrepreneurs Lead the Way for Job Growth: New Evidence from Babson College