As the United States and its European allies launched air strikes against Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi on Saturday, my thoughts, like those of many others, focused on civilians and their safety. This includes men and women serving in uniform. No soldier I know wants to inflict harm on ordinary citizens. To avoid that, while also ensuring its victory, the military prepares rigorously through training, simulations and drills. “Failure is not an option.”
Mike LaValle, a former soldier, agrees. Moreover, he believes that it is military preparation that makes soldiers ideally suited for the life of an entrepreneur. It is a life he has chosen. LaValle, a West Point grad, former Army infantry platoon leader and Afghan war veteran, has dived head-on into the life of start-ups along with Tian He to launch, a food technology platform. The platform will be released in May.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Are the Trenches of Entrepreneurship Dug In War? - Elmira Bayrasli - Entreventures - Forbes
Author: Elmira Bayrasli