Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

From cancer treatments to breakthroughs in virtual-reality product development, many of Iowa's greatest scientific and technological advances have come from our public research universities. This cutting-edge research lays the groundwork for an innovation economy in Iowa that will continue to generate high-paying jobs and keep our state globally competitive.

Universities have embraced the role of turning advances into viable commercial opportunities and state policy-makers have been supportive. But the marketplace is not easy to penetrate. Investors want to know that products are viable and have a market, a rigorous process that takes time and money. The Iowa Innovation Council, a working group of Iowa business leaders and regents university and community college representatives, will help push innovations more rapidly to the marketplace.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation Council aims to link entrepreneurs, research | The Des Moines Register |

Author: SHARRON QUISENBERRY, VP for research and economic development at ISU; and JORDAN COHEN VP for research and economic development at the U of I.