Those who roam around ProfHacker headquarters are a creative bunch. Or, we like to think we are. We create ProfHacker posts about being creative. We write about using creative approaches in our research, writing, or teaching, having creative lunches, thinking of creative ways to spend end-of-the-year budget funds, or even finding creative ways to care for our children when they are sick. A few years ago, Nels reviewed the book Organizing for the Creative Person by Dolores Lehmkuhl and Dolores Cotter Lamping. Just this week, in fact, Natalie wrote about “creative workarounds.” See? We’re a creative bunch.
Creativity is fine and good, but what happens when that creativity you think you need isn’t available to you? It’s blocked. It’s dormant. It just disappeared. My suggestion? Push it. And push it intentionally. This intentionality can push you out of stasis and into action.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Pushing Creativity - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Author: Billie Hara