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What do the founders of Netflix , Zappos, Whole Foods, and have in common?

They were all started by entrepreneurs in their second (or third) act:

* Before Reed Hastings founded Netflix, he founded Pure Atria Software, which was eventually acquired by Rational Software. Soon after the acquisition, Hastings took a couple of years off to think about his next business, which would be Netflix.
* Before Zappos, Tony Hsieh founded LinkExchange, which was acquired by Microsoft for $265 million in 1999.
* John Mackey started a health food store called “Safer Way” in a garage years before he founded Whole Foods.
* Jack Ma founded China Pages four years before he launched in 1999.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Why Your Second Startup Will Outshine Your First | BNET

Author: John Warrillow