Our guest this week is Rich Bendis, the founding President and CEO of Innovation America (IA), a Global Innovation Intermediary focused on accelerating the growth of the entrepreneurial innovation economy in America. Mr. Bendis is a distinguished and successful entrepreneur, corporate executive, venture capitalist, investment banker, innovation and technology based economic development leader, international speaker and consultant in Innovation and Economy Building. Mr. Bendis currently serves as the founding President and CEO of Innovation America (IA), a Global Innovation Intermediary focused on accelerating the growth of the entrepreneurial innovation economy in America. IA has a fivefold mission: Global advocate for accelerating awareness of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Early Stage Capital in stimulating Innovation Based Economic Development (IBED). International speaker on Building Innovation and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (Voted a Top 5 Innovation Speaker by Speakers Platform), International Consulting on IBED Publishing innovationDAILY and WEEKLY, a daily e-newsletter reporting on Global trends on innovation with a circulation of approximately 500,000 unique visitors in over 185 Countries (Voted The 4th Best Innovation Blogger in The World by Blogging Innovation) and Early Stage Capital Fund of Funds Consulting and Formation.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in America 04/07 by Economic Development | Blog Talk Radio