If you are used to setting financial goals for your business you undoubtedly have a revenue goal. In other words, you’ve set a figure for how many dollars your business is going to bring in this year.
But according to Carissa Reiniger, CEO of Silver Lining LTD, that’s not good enough. If you want to achieve a financial goal in your business, you must break your goal down into “units of sale” rather than an annual, quarterly or monthly revenue number.
Growco Stage
Last week (April 6-8, 2011) I attended the GrowCo Conference put on by Inc Magazine. I was inspired and as always when I attend events, I learned a few things. (Many thanks to UPS, which subsidized my attendance.) In a series of posts this week, I’d like to share with you some of what I learned at GrowCo.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Why You Should Never Define Your Financial Goals as Revenue
Author: Anita Campbell