Venture capital investments surged during the first three months of 2011, driven mostly by sharply increased funding for Internet and cleantech-renewable energy startups, according to CB Insights, a New York information and data services firm.
Venture investors sunk a total of $7.5 billion into 738 deals throughout the country during the first quarter, a 27 percent increase in dollars (with no significant change in deals) over the same quarter of 2010, when CB Insights reported $5.9 million in 730 deals. The $7.5 billion invested also was 15 percent higher than the $6.5 billion that went into 735 deals during the preceding quarter—which represented a two-year high water mark in both deals and dollars invested.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Looking Up: First Quarter Venture Capital Deals & Dollars Rise | Xconomy
Author: Bruce V. Bigelow