Have you ever thought about starting your own company? Do you have a great idea that you think could be the next Twitter? Perhaps it’s time you turned your dreams into reality. More and more, young women are not only starting their own businesses, but they are also achieving enormous success doing so. Take recent start-ups like Her Campus, Rent the Runway, and LearnVest: all three lucrative businesses were founded by women in their early twenties.
There are major pros to being an entrepreneur. You’re not tied to another person’s desk, schedule, or priorities. You can do what you love, do it your way, and have as unconventional a life and calendar as you choose. And your future—and earning potential—is wide open when you’re your own boss.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Why It’s A Great Time To Be An Entrepreneur - Pretty Young Professional - Smart Content for Smart Women - Forbes