The three largest parties to gain power in last night's Finnish parliamentary elections have dramatically different political agendas. Fortunately for entrepreneurs, employment and entrepreneurship is one of the areas with the fewest differences overall. However, there are differences and depending on how the new government will be formed - these might have significant effects on entrepreneurs and their incentives as well. Below are some of the key areas of change these three parties are trying to achieve (from an entrepreneurial point of view).
National Coalition Party
National Coalition Party (NCP) is the largest of the new parliament with 44 seats from 200. They were also part of the government and their chairman, Jyrki Katainen, is the former Minister of Finance. Compared to the Social Demoratic Party and True Finns, NCP is by far the most entrepreneurial.
To read the full, original article click on this link: What The New Top Three Parties In Finland Think Of Entrepreneurship