Back in August 2010, the AIC brought you news of our Commercialisation RoadMap – an internal tool we developed to provide a framework to walk our customers through, and to provide an empirical method of documenting progress along the commercialisation journey.
The tool, based on a stage-gate model, visualises the commercialisation process through the graphical representation of the journey and provides structure and continual assessment capabilities.
This enables innovators, entrepreneurs, research organisations, government departments and businesses to determine their progress along the commercialisation pathway.
Significant interest was expressed by a number of our clients, which contributed to our recent decision to “open source” the tool to enable all innovators and their mentors to access the content freely.
To read the full, original article click on this link: The Australian Institute for Commercialisation - The Commercialisation Blueprint: A freely accessible online tool for innovators seeking commercialisation guidance