What inspired me to start VentureBeat? Lack of inspiration. Almost five years ago, I’d reached a point in my career as a writer where I realized I needed to inspire myself again. Old media, with its broken business models and glacial pace had become a lifeless, fearful place. Management would send cryptic messages about how bad business was, and they’d swing the axe again and fire another ten percent of the newspaper staff. I was also deeply ambitious.
The idea to start my own business and technology blog capturing the heartbeat of the Valley began to take hold. As a reporter and columnist for the San Jose Mercury News, I’d been blogging religiously on venture capital and technology since 2004. By 2006, I realized that few others were reporting with equal depth or velocity on the entrepreneurial scene. Readers thirsted for knowledge about the new technologies that arrived with Web 2.0. And finally, the great entrepreneur dearth of the post-bubble era transitioned to an age of teeming activity. A new breed of angels began investing in them. Stories about all this needed to be told.
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