Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Triangle - The newly formed Inception Micro Angel Fund in RTP (IMAF-RTP) brings attractive start-up business opportunities to North Carolina private investors and early seed equity financing to qualified entrepreneurial businesses.


IMAF-RTP is a member-managed, seed stage, angel capital fund, designed to capitalize on the growth in entrepreneurial activity in the Research Triangle Park area, and is a Qualified Grantee Business for the NC Investor Tax Credit. The fund will also reach out to greater North Carolina and to selected areas of Virginia and South Carolina.

The Fund is focused on pre-launch companies in several industries, and positions itself as providing the financing entrepreneurs need to finalize their business just prior to launching into the market. Essentially, this financing is what entrepreneurs need to prepare the businesses for the first round of formal angel financing.

IMAF RTP Investors

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