Each year, ICF's Building the Broadband Economy summit (www.icfsummit.com) attracts public and private-sector leaders instrumental in the Intelligent Community movement. The summit features keynote speeches, interactive discussions and international awards during three inspiring days. Featured speakers will address the transformational impact of information and communications technology in healthcare, local economies and community life, and the often complex challenges it creates. Featured speakers will include :
- Mayor Ron Loveridge of Riverside, California, USA, current president of the National League of Cities
- Suvi Linden, Finland’s outgoing Communications Minister and UN Commissioner on Broadband for Digital Development
- John Goggin, Director, Internet Business Solutions Group, Cisco Systems
- Gale Brewer, Member, New York City Council
- J. David Liss, Vice President, Government Relations & Strategic Initiatives, New York-Presbyterian Hospital
- Mayor Ron Littlefield of Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, which has deployed America’s most advanced smart grid program
- Gary Shapiro, President, Consumer Electronics Association
- Mayor Rob van Gijzel of Eindhoven, Netherlands, a leader in open innovation
- Anette Scheibe, CEO, Electrum Foundation & Kista Science City AB, Stockholm
Building the Broadband Economy is an international summit for community leaders and their technology partners from around the world. BBE offers a unique opportunity to learn how to use information and communications technology to build prosperous economies and meet the social challenges of the 21st Century. The 2011 edition of BBE, produced in partnership with the Polytechnic Institute of New York University, focuses on "Health in the Intelligent Community ."
The audience for BBE 2009 is limited to 250 attendees in order to provide the right environment to share knowledge and build relationships. Attendance is principally by invitation but a limited number of paid registrations are available at www.icfsummit.com.
Intelligent Community Forum