Sales are a weakness in so many startups. I will talk with tech entrepreneurs who work incessantly on their product thinking that is the path to success. Having a quality product is very important, true. In some cases product deficiencies may make the difference. But most of the time startups fail (or limp along disappointingly) because of insufficient cash. And cash boils down to sales.
Guide to Winning New Work ebook by Pawel GrabowskiYou see, no product is ever perfect. I was an executive in a publicly-traded tech company for almost a decade, and I can tell you that all of our products had deficiencies — some small, some large. And no one knew those deficiencies better than those of us working in the company, because we worked daily to improve the products. Despite not having perfect products, ours was a successful unit of the company. Part of the reason: we had strong sales processes and an experienced sales team.
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Author: Anita Campbell