Efforts to renew — and overhaul — the well-regarded Small Business Investment Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs, which expire at the end of this month, may be in jeopardy now that the Senate appears unlikely to vote on its reauthorization bill anytime soon. And the person behind that bill’s demise, according to Democrats, at least, happens to be one of its chief architects — Senator Olympia Snowe, the top Republican on the Senate Small Business Committee.
S.B.I.R. requires federal agencies to set aside 2.5 percent of their grants to outside researchers for small companies. S.T.T.R. is a smaller initiative that requires the five agencies funding the most research to set aside additional money for partnerships between small firms and nonprofit institutions.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Senate Posturing Kills S.B.I.R. Renewal, For Now - NYTimes.com