Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Conservatism and innovation do not go well together. Conservative parties govern most EU countries and it looks as if only austerity is on the top of their minds. Yet, the work is not finished after the current crisis management. The work is not finished after sole austerity measures. To be prepared for life after crisis management, EU Member States must find ways to boost the economy and tackle societal challenges on the way. The EU must dream the impossible dream.

The current economic crisis has brought about large budget cuts to reduce the extensive long term budget deficits most EU Member States face. Nearly every Member State has reduced the budget for innovation and research and has stricken financial incentives. The question therefore is: how can innovation be boosted in times of tight budgets?

To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation Union: Is the EU dreaming the impossible dream? |