Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Daniel Newman posted a blog this week titled “You Can’t Teach Give a Sh*t”. Great title! Even a better read.

Dan (@danienewmanUV on Twitter) is a great mind and leader, and that blog got me thinking…

I’m blessed to be surrounded by people who DO give a sh*t… at YouTern, at home, my family, friends and business partners – and the young men and women I’ve coached in sports – I’m surrounded by people who care.

Then I realized: that’s probably not an accident. Or fate. Or circumstance. It’s entirely possible that because I’m passionate and vocal about what I care about – that attracts others who care, too.

Of course, not everyone cares about ALL I care about. A YouTern intern in Washington DC wouldn’t care at all about how I flip channels every three seconds when the San Jose Sharks and San Francisco Giants are on television at the same time. However, he might at least respect my passion – even as he shakes his head, “whatever” style.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation America Group News | LinkedIn