National Competition Showcases TBED Successes: 2011 Call for Applications
Most technology-based economic development (TBED) practitioners want to know the same thing: What approaches to TBED are being taken in other states and regions, and how are they succeeding?
Distinguishing those initiatives with proven impact and a high degree of excellence is a complicated process. SSTI’s Excellence in TBED Awards program was created to help answer these questions and highlight on a national level programs improving the nation’s competitiveness.
SSTI is now accepting applications for the 2011 Excellence in TBED Awards. Winners of this award are provided a national platform to showcase their achievement. Awards are presented in the following six categories:
- Expanding the Research
- Capacity Commercializing Research
- Building Entrepreneurial Capacity
- Increasing Access to Capital
- Improving Competitiveness of Existing Industries
- Most Promising TBED Initiative – NEW!
The deadline to apply is July 19. More information is available at: