Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

The Trusted Advisor CoverA friend of mine, the CEO of a professional services firm,  recently gave me a copy of David Maister’s The Trusted Advisor (2000). Buy it here. Maister is the author of the best selling, Managing The Professional Services Firm (1993).

Maister, and his two co-authors, Charlie Green and Rob Galford, posit that the realm of a true trusted advisor involves three skills,- 1. Earning Respect; 2. Giving Advice Effectively; and, 3. Building Relationships. The authors are adamant that professional service firms which focus only on content and expertise will be relegated to a service-offering or needs-based relationship.

The book is detailed, practical and prescriptive. It’s not just about what you should do during your journey to becoming a trusted advisor, but actionable suggestions on how you might accomplish your goal.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation America Group News | LinkedIn

Author: Ed Callahan