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Corporate IT is about to face a surge in demand for innovation, but is it ready? In the first quarter of 2011, 20% of S&P 500 companies reported that their revenue exceeded prerecession peaks. Many more will reach this milestone before the end of 2011. When this happens, the brakes come off capital spending. In fact, that elite 20% grew capital spending up to 65% faster than the rest.

With greater capital spending comes more appetite for innovation, and at most companies IT is expected to play a full part. But despite all the hype about IT innovation and the CIO as "Chief Innovation Officer," the reality is that corporate IT's ability to innovate has atrophied. In many organizations, years of cost cutting, standardization, and simplification came at the expense of innovation. Deploying ERP, consolidating data centers, or completing an outsourcing deal are difficult and worthwhile but rarely innovative.


To read the full, original article click on this link: 4 Steps To Spark Innovation -- InformationWeek

Author:Andrew Horne