Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


The world’s leading brands continually innovate. While we often think of Google and Apple as innovation juggernauts (and they are), there is innovation afoot at older brands such as Pepsi, McDonald’s, and Mercedes. In the case of Pepsi and McDonald’s who have a portfolio of products caught in the obesity storm, they’ve had to evolve from their historical platforms to avoid extinction. Pepsi has developed a social responsibility platform. McDonald’s is now the #1 buyer of apples in the US. In the case of Mercedes, a new line of lower price tag cars is their response to the dangers of their aging wealthy consumer base. In some cases, the innovations are purchased. For example, Microsoft is known for its investment and acquisition of new products and technologies.

Whether created organically or purchased, whether incremental improvements or transformational, innovation is vital in today’s rapidly evolving, competitive global economy. At Sparxoo, our team of brand & innovation strategists has led many brand innovation workshops and expert worksessions with Fortune 500 companies. Our formula: start with creativity to spark new ideas and add in strategy to structure and focus ideas across identified goals. Great ideas can come from anywhere, so tap into your leaders, your Gen Y talent, your customers, and industry experts. Connect the ideas together and draw out an innovation roadmap for the medium-term and long-term. Below, we share 6 innovation exercises to help energize your thinking.


To read the full, original article click on this link: 6 Innovation Exercises for Brand Leadership | Branding, Social Media, Digital Marketing | Sparxoo

Author: David Capece