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Fred Patterson, The SBIR Coach

The current incarnation of SBIR has more lives than a cat. Twelve and counting. (Details HERE) This SBIR CR life segment will be four months long. Then what? Will small business innovation be sold out to the bigger better funded entities?

If Nydia has her way it will. She's so dedicated to that sell out that she even campaigned to kill SBIR rather than continue it as is. Yes, the Ranking Member of the House Small Business Committee sent out a Dear Colleague letter to her fellow Democrats in the House urging a NO vote on S.1082. She wanted SBIR to die, rather than continue "as is" to allow open debate.


To read the full, original article click on this link: The SBIR Coach's Playbook ®: SBIR LIVES, despite Nydia's best efforts to kill it!

Author: Fred Patterson