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Over the past couple of years, Kickstarter's growth as a source of disruption in the creative industries has been pretty hard to ignore. Om extolled the site's virtues just the other day, and the concept that anybody who has an idea can try to raise money to get it finished has become a big hit—allowing them to raise millions of dollars for gadgets, fashion, and even films. It's so successful, in fact, that investors are now jumping in to back projects that don't reach their target. Kickstarter for Books?

Given Kickstarter's success, it's no surprise to see new services trying to piggyback on the idea of crowdfunding. So perhaps you shouldn't be surprised to say hello to Unbound, a British startup trying to apply the same model specifically to books.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Will Niche Crowdfunding Sites Cut out the Media? - BusinessWeek

Author: Bobbie Johnson