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Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's founder, may be a poster child for entrepreneurship, but the stereotype he follows — young, incomplete formal education and no corporate experience — doesn't hold true in the real world, a new survey reveals.

Professional services firm Ernst & Young surveyed 685 entrepreneurs and conducted in-depth interviews with the winners of the firm's Entrepreneur of the Year award to gain insights into the shared characteristics, frustrations and career goals of some the world's leading entrepreneurs.

Although many of the entrepreneurs they surveyed started at a young age, nearly half (47 percent) didn't set up their own shops until they were 30 or older. And nearly 60 percent described themselves as "transitioned" entrepreneurs who started out in a corporate environment before setting out on their own.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Having the right stuff | Entrepreneurs Are Made, Not Born, Says New Survey | LiveScience