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New research revealed in the Pilot Pen Creativity Report warns that a dependency on computer-based learning ''can lead to children feeling inadequate in their own academic abilities, and vulnerable when using a pen and paper as they will fear failure''.

So is this the death of handwriting? Patricia Lovett, fellow of the UK Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society, says that similar thoughts were voiced when the telephone was invented, and again with the invention of computers, fax machines, emails and texting.

Before one of our exams, one of the tutors reminded us to write legibly in our exam. Another exam was open book/open internet, and we wrote our answers on the computer before emailing them to our tutor at the end. The last time I remember having to write an essay by hand was five years ago for the AST. But still, I could if I had to.


To read the full, original article click on this link: It may well be goodbye handwriting, goodbye creativity - Opinion - Editorial - General - The Canberra Times