When you own a home-based business, you might not be certain which marketing tactics are a good option for you and which are too ambitious for your company. Social media, a very popular form of networking and marketing facilitated through websites like Twitter and Facebook, offers home-based business owners a fantastic marketing, branding and networking tool that costs nothing but time and a little creativity. If you are on the fence about adding time for social networking to your daily schedule, consider these six upsides to using social media. (For more assistance with your business, read In Small Business, Success Is Spelled With 5 "C"s.)
TUTORIAL: Starting a Small Business
1. Flexible Networking There once was a time when you had to go out to a meeting, class or other group event in order to network with clients who might be interested in your product or service. With online social media sites, you can network with a targeted group of individuals on your own schedule, from the comfort of your office.
To read the full, original article click on this link: 6 Ways Social Media Helps Home-Based Businesses