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Social Media

Over the past year, I’ve given talks or moderated sessions on social media in a strange set of cities: Adelaide, Sydney, and Doha. Preparation for those events was often done in the margins of my professional life: In my favorite airplane seat (aisle, exit row), on my laptop at home as I tried to multitask with family time (bad idea), or early in the morning. I’ve scanned more “Ten Tips for Twitter” than I care to think about, read my Chronicle colleagues’ excellent stories, and talked to communications and marketing administrators at universities, including many outside of the United States. Now I’d like to take revenge on all those other tip writers with my own, globally oriented version of four social media do’s and don’ts. Think of these as collected wisdom, not advice.

1. Don’t have a social media strategy. Have an institutional strategy. Or an international strategy. Or a combination of both. Then let planning for social media be a servant of those goals.


To read the full, original article click on this link: 4 Globally Oriented Tips on Using Social Media - WorldWise - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Author: David Wheeler