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John Donoghue, director of the Brown Institute for Brain Science, demonstrates the robotic arm he uses in his research. Donoghue is working on getting the arm to respond to brain wave activity from the computer next to him.

PROVIDENCE –– Imagine someone paralyzed from the neck down who could think about picking up a cup of coffee and could then, assisted by technology, lift the cup to her lips and savor the taste. That’s the work of John P. Donoghue, an internationally acclaimed scientist who has dedicated his career to understanding how the brain operates so he can improve the lives of people with severe disabilities.

As he and a team of scientists and engineers get closer to turning that research into reality, the Brown Institute for Brain Science, which Donoghue founded and directs, is strapped for space.

To reach the next level, where researchers spin off companies and create jobs to make commercial products, key scientists and engineers would benefit from working in a central location, Donoghue says. He has suggested to the university that the institute move from College Hill into what he calls the “big hole right in the middle” of the city.


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Author: John Donoghue