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Startup Foundation

Startup Weekend, the create-a-company cram session that has spread worldwide in just a few years, is branching out in a big way. The Seattle-based nonprofit tells Xconomy it is creating a sister organization called the Startup Foundation, aimed at establishing a permanent hub for local entrepreneurial communities around the globe. The new project has backing from the Kauffman Foundation, and full-time staffers in seven cities who officially start work next month.

Startup Weekend CEO Marc Nager says the Startup Foundation is a natural outgrowth of the Startup Weekend phenomenon, which gives entrepreneurs 54 hours to organize themselves into teams and develop proto-companies that are ready to pitch investors for possible seed money. The nonprofit organization, headquartered in Seattle, has taken its events to nearly 200 cities in 65 countries since 2009, and is on pace to hold 200 Startup Weekends this year alone.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Startup Weekend, Looking to Strengthen Communities for Entrepreneurs, Builds New Startup Foundation in Seven Cities | Xconomy


Curt Woodward