Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Solar Suitcase

White men – usually in white coats in Western laboratories – is the image many people conjure up then they’re asked to think of “innovation”. From biotechnology to space exploration, from nanotech to electronics engineering, innovation is perceived by many to be more of a corporate exercise than anything else.

In many cases, they’re right. Much of the innovation around us is the result of years of investment in time, resources and big ideas from some of the largest and most successful companies out there.

But framing innovation in this light doesn’t give us the entire picture.

The story of innovation is not complete without an appreciation of "real world" innovation, much of which is grassroots-driven and much of which goes unnoticed. It’s this “real world” innovation that I’d like to discuss.


To read the full, original article click on this link: The reluctant innovator – Global Public Square - Blogs

Author:Ken Banks