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Raising funding for an early-stage venture is always difficult. There is no bottled recipe for success, but even if you have a great concept that is scalable combined with a passionate team that can execute the growth strategy, you still need to communicate this in a multifaceted investor’s pitch.

Most entrepreneurs can give a fair account of the top line business strategic growth path, dive into the complexities of the product or service offering, put together a good industry analysis, name a handful of possible clients and present enticing year three to five financial projections, but this will not necessarily get you to the due diligence phase.

Unless all of this is based on solid research, the application for venture capital (VC) funding will most likely get rejected. In my experience as funder of early-stage businesses, the following seemingly easy questions are stumbling blocks that just about never get answered satisfactorily.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Six questions that rejected Venture Capital seekers could not answer | memeburn

Author:Keet Van Zyl