For a while now I’ve been predicting that we will see a wave of consumer oriented health startups at some point over the next five years. At this stage it is difficult to say how big, but I think it will be pretty big as the drivers are powerful. On the one hand you have increasing demand from an ageing, increasingly affluent and increasingly health aware society and on the other hand you have new technologies and falling costs making novel services possible and affordable for the first time. Smartphones, ubiquitous networks, cheap sensors and social are the most important technologies.
Rock Health is a new startup accelerator designed to kick start/take advantage of this trend and their inaugural programme launches today. Eight of their eleven startups are profiled on Techcrunch (strangely not the Rock Health site) and a look at what they do and how they group gives an indication of the sorts of companies that will be at the forefront of this wave.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Eight interesting health oriented startups « « The Equity KickerThe Equity Kicker
Author: Nic Brisbourne