I came across two very interesting posts today in which execs at highly rated marketing software company Hubspot write glowingly about two of their investors, Sequoia Capital and Google Ventures. One post is about why Sequoia is such a successful VC, and the other asks the questions Will Google Ventures disrupt venture capital?
In the case of Sequoia there are two main reasons given why they are successful. The first is that past success begets future success and they have a long history of being at the top of the VC game. That history brings them great brand, know how from experience of working with great companies and access to great talent from those companies. The second reason is strong execution from the existing Sequoia team – they don’t rest on their laurels, but rather work hard, are aggressive but reasonable, and are agile in their working practices.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Some entrepreneur perspectives on what makes a good VC « « The Equity KickerThe Equity Kicker
Author:Nic Brisbourne