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Whatever you may feel about independent "hactivist" groups such as Anonymous and LulzSec, they are good at what they do. In the past few weeks members of these two groups have claimed responsibility for a number of data theft incidents, including the recent theft of more than 1 million user names and passwords from the Sony pictures web site. They then post these stolen names and passwords on message boards and  ordinary web pages for anyone to see. In one case, after publishing the user names and passwords to more than 26,000 users of (a pornography web site), LulzSec recommended the following mischief:

These guys probably sign into Facebook with the same email/pass combo, so we suggest the following: 1) sign into their Facebook accounts 2) find their family members 3) tell them all about how the victim (you!) signed up to porn sites 4) watch the hilarity 5) tell us about it on twitter! 6) ??????? 7) PROFIT


To read the full, original article click on this link: Observations: How to Know If Hackers Have Stolen Your Password

Author:Michael Moyer