sweetened its pitch to Texas officials on Thursday, but lawmakers - at least for now - said no to the online retailer's offer to bring thousands of jobs to the state in exchange for a break on collecting sales taxes.
After Amazon upped its number of promised jobs from 5,000 to 6,000, a joint House-Senate conference committee decided not to attach the Amazon proposal to Senate Bill 1, the fiscal matters bill being debated in the Legislature's special session, a spokeswoman for the committee's chairman, Sen. Robert Duncan, R-Lubbock, confirmed late Thursday.
It's unclear whether lawmakers could bring the proposal forward in some other format during the special session, or whether Thursday's decision effectively ends the negotiations between Amazon and Texas. Amazon officials were not available for comment.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Amazon sweetens job offer; Texas lawmakers don't bite
Author:Barry Harrell