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Gov. Rick Snyder

When I left the private sector to make my first run for public office, I kept saying things that some people thought were naïve, too idealistic or both. Michigan’s biggest challenge was a culture of doubt that was inhibiting meaningful change.

It wasn’t just a matter of “entitled” or “entrenched” special interests. We simply grew too pessimistic.

Our public policy debates too often focused on the view from our economic rearview mirror, rather than looking straight ahead. Some Michiganders lost sight of our legacy: the optimism and imagination that put the world on wheels and helped win World War II by out-engineering and out-producing the Axis war machines. After defeating foreign rivals, we spent too much time fighting each other.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Gov. Rick Snyder: How We’re Re-inventing Michigan - Joann Muller - Transmissions - Forbes

Author: Rick Snyder