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$250,000 invested in wide variety of Edson student startup companies

This year’s Edson Student Entrepreneur Initiative continues to break records, with 30 student startups getting funded, up from 22 student companies in 2010. This means that the Edson Initiative will invest almost $250,000 in student startups, the most it has ever given out in one year.

“The record number of companies funded has been triggered by the increasing quality level of entrants that ASU has witnessed in recent years,” said Gordon McConnell, executive director of Venture Acceleration in ASU. “There are a fantastic mix of problem solving concepts on show this year. Student venture are increasingly showing a real maturity in terms of solving the bigger issues that people face.”

The wide variety of business models, products and services this year also highlights the wide diversity of the entrants. This is a student venture competition that sees student teams enter from all the ASU campuses, from undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Edson Entrepreneur Initiative announces record year | ASU News