Canada is a country that loves to study things. Commissions, task forces, inquests and panels are a national obsession.
Look at innovation. Last week, the federally appointed Science Technology and Innovation Council issued its second major report, Imagination to Innovation: State of the Nation 2010.
If innovation was measured in the output of reports about innovation, Canada would be a world leader.
We’re not. We are a laggard. The report tracked Canada’s progress over the past two years based on 24 different indicators, such as the percentage of GDP spent on research and development, R&D spending by businesses, investment in machinery and equipment, PhDs and high school test scores. Since the council’s initial report in 2008, Canada’s performance is down in 15 categories, stagnant in three and improved in just six.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Time for action on innovation, not more study - The Globe and Mail