Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Thinking Guy

The lady from the corporate IT department wants to meet with you tomorrow morning. You recall that she wears Anne Klein and has a background in finance. She wants to talk with you about whether her group’s newly launched collaborative innovation program would benefit you. Her group’s senior vice president mentioned to her that you—your business unit—face critical challenges that will affect your P&L in the new fiscal year. Challenges that require you to think of new ways to keep your most important (read: profitable) clients in the fold. Challenges that require you to deliver more with less by identifying and eliminating waste.

You know: the same old, same old—only more of it.

Let’s be honest, you tell yourself, neither you nor the people who know you expected you to remain in your current role for this long. The recession has been rough. However, you told yourself years ago that plateaus were for camping on, not for defining careers—not your career, at least. You have more to offer. Maybe fresh approaches and thinking are just what the doctor ordered for your staff and you. The board seems to be talking the language of innovation of late, as well.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Four Points to Consider as the Business Sponsor of an Ideation Challenge | InnovationManagement

Author:Doug Collins