Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


President Reagan used to tell his staff a joke about twin boys with extreme personalities, one a total optimist and the other a total pessimist. You can find the long form of the joke here, but when the optimist is presented with a room filled to the ceiling with horse manure, he begins digging through it screaming with delight “Wow, there must be a pony in here!”

We recently conducted our sixth semi-annual “Green & the Economy” survey and the results have sent us scurrying to find a pony buried in all the data. We asked our more than 3,000-member GreenBiz Intelligence Panel for their views on key green economic indicators (you can join our panel here). Our most recent survey, conducted in mid-June, garnered 309 responses with 51 percent from companies with revenues of more than $1 billion (which we’ll refer to as “large companies”).


To read the full, original article click on this link: Searching for Good News in the Sputtering Green Economy | Business |

Author:John Davies