Are you aware that you can think not only with your brain, but also with your body? That your body plays a role in what and how you think? Have you ever noticed how your body affects your thinking? Today, let's get a better understanding of the mind-body connection and how you can direct your body to guide your thoughts.
Become aware of the body-mind connection.
In his two biographies of Leonardo da Vinci, Michael Gelb says that Leonardo's intellectual and artistic genius was complemented by extraordinary physical gifts. "His great personal strength was joined to dexterity" and "his great physical beauty and more than infinite grace in every movement." In contrast, Leonardo commented that the average human "moves without physical awareness". Clearly, da Vinci was acutely aware of the body-mind connection - of how our bodies affect our thinking, and vice versa. How aware are you?
To read the full, original article click on this link: Bangkok Post : Move your body to think more creatively