To My SBIR Clients and Friends, I'll be sending out my regular July issue soon (subject will be "Advisory Boards for SBIR-funded Companies"), but I wanted to make you aware of a very special opportunity this week.
My good friend Earle Hager and his colleagues at Panidea Inc. are presenting an extraordinarily ambitious program this week: "24 Hours of Technology" - A global online FREE Super-Webinar focusing on technology commercialization ideas and support with speakers from around the world. Imagine - 24 solid hours of continuous presentations focusing on global innovation! And, yes, you did read that right - registration for any and all of the sessions is free!
The SBIR Coach will be one of the speakers (Session 02B - Tuesday, July 12th, 9:30PM CDT). See the full schedule of all the presenters HERE.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Join me for "24 Hours of Technology"- a Global Online Program starting Tuesday evening
Author: Fred Patterson